
Entering the Hospital Under Anninomity and Using a Fake Name

Undercover operations and emergency treatments.  This subject is rarely ever talked about, but it is available for those of you in need.  It is not difficult to be entered into the hospital under a fake name.  Doctors across the country are trained to help those in real need and those who are in such fear of being murdered that they will refuse to be put asleep.

Talking to your doctor in confidence will help you accomplish this feat.  You have the right to meet and greet the anesthesiologist  and all doctors on staff.  You can request anninomity and all your records will reflect your fake name.

Does this sound like something in the movies?  Not really.  It happens often.  Whether you are on a witness protection program, hiding from a husband, or simply in fear of your life.  Is there such a thing as mafia hits, assassinations and more? Of course there is.

The reason I bring this very serious subject up is to let those know who watch in secrecy, never wanting their identity disclosed that even with cancer or a pelvic cleaning, you can have services in confidence.

I knew of a woman with such fear that she did not want to go to the hospital.  Her life was in constant danger.  She collapsed in the doctor's office because she had been poisoned.  The doctor told her to disgard every single medicine she had in her home and even her food. She ate out daily out of fear of being killed.  She needed a pelvic operation. 

The doctor assured her that this could be done under anninomity  and she finally agreed.  Only staff known by the doctor was admitted to the operating room.

My friend told me of horrifying fear as she laid in the hospital alone.  No one could visit her, no one was there when she awoke from anesthesia and no one cared. 

While I am sure this does not happen often, it does happen.  If you or someone you know have a similar problem and need services, confide in your doctor and seek out a hospital that can help.