
Natural Ways to Grow Hair and Reduce Hair Loss

Hair Loss may occur with age and is a natural part of life. There are things that will cause alopecia (hair loss) prematurely though.  You may have problems with circulation, genes, hormones, vitamin deficiencies or drugs you are taking.  Some hair treatments and coloring dyes may also cause hair loss. Make sure to read the ingredients on all perm and hair color boxes.

Reduce Hair Loss with Herbs

Some herbs that will help grow your hair and reduce hair loss are thyme, lavender and rosemary.   You can make an herb tea with these herbs by simply boiling some water and removing the water from the fire. Then add the herbs on top and allow to steep for 20 minutes.  You can buy essential oils also and take the oils as directed or massaged directly into the hair after shampooing.

Other herbs known to help with hair growth are: morninga, dong quai, sage, fenugreek, black willow, pine needle, horsetail, yucca root and stinging nettles.

Natural Way to Grow Hair with Black Strap Molasses

Place one cup of warm water together with 1 large tablespoon of black molasses and mix well.  Massage all over the hair including the roots and leave on 1/2 hour.  Rinse your hair well and shampoo as normal. 

Vitamins and Supplements to Prevent Hair Loss

Vitamin E prevent hair loss along with the B vitamins.  Vitamin E promotes circulation and opens up veins for further growth.  To use vitamin E, simply open up the capsules of oil and massage into the scalp.

B vitamins are very important for hair growth because they reduce stress. The best way to take B vitamins are in a complex form, but take one with enough strength. Some complex vitamins have less than desirable amounts.  Inositol and PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) are important B vitamins. If you are using Brewer's Yeast then grind up the tablets and soak in juice overnight.

Foods that contain B vitamins are: beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, yeast, bran, nuts and eggs.

Vitamin C is also needed for hair growth and to prevent balding. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant and helps hair growth. You wil need to take 2000 mg per day in divided doses.  Vitamin C is also found in fruits:  limes, lemons, grapefruits and oranges.  

Other supplements that will help with thinning hair are: Omega Fatty Acids, Lysine, Vitamin D and A, resveratrol, silica, morniga and cayenne.  Caution -- excessive vitamin A can cause hair loss.

Essential Oils for Hair Loss

There are several essential oils that you can use for hair loss.  They include:
  • Bay
  • Cedarwood
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Lemon
  • Rosemary
  • Chamomile
Add two drops of the essential oil to your rinse water or a good vegetable oil.  Massage your scalp good and then cover your head with a towel. Wait two to three hours or more and then shampoo your hair as normal. Make sure not to use a medicated shampoo.

Herbal Remedies that Work

Needless to say you will find many articles full of remedies that they "CLAIM" to work.  I myself would always mention black cumin first.  I wrote an article containing 10 remedies that work and many have testimonies.  Read: Baldness and Hair Loss Natural Remedies with Black Cumin. 

Here are some other remedies that may work also:

1.  Fenugreek Shampoo.  Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds (very hard) in water over night and then blend in a blender.  Strain and shampoo your hair with the water.

2.  Coconut Massage.  Take some fresh coconut and the water and blend to get a coconut milk and massage on the scalp.

3.  Mustard Oil and Henna Leaves.  Boil one cup of mustard oil with 4 tablespoons of henna leaves.  Filter and place in a glass container.  Massage this on the scalp regularly. 

4.  Rubbing with Onion.  Rub your scalp with onion till it is red.  After rubbing your scalp vigourously, add some honey.  I suggest using Manuka honey or a very good raw honey.

5.  Amla Oil.  Try boiling pieces of amla in some coconut oil.  Mix equal parts of this with lime juice and then shampoo your hair with this mixture. 

Diet for Hair Loss

Healthy hair comes from healthy diet and oils.  You should not eat sugar, meat, white enriched flour. Eat foods such as seeds, nuts, grains, organic fruits, liver, eggs, kidney, herring, salmon, carrots and green leafy vegetables.  
