
How to Improve Memory in the Elderly

Loss of memory is a common sign of getting old, but there are ways to improve your memory. Many may attribute loss of memory with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia, but these are not the only reasons loss of memory occurs. When the brain gets clogged up with bad toxins, the memory may fade and the way you use to be has changed.

According to Seniors for living, there are many tips to help you with memorization skills. Getting older does not mean you have to be confined to a wheel chair or in a rest home. You can live a normal life if you just make a few changes.

1. Play on brainpower games. Try using some mind tools by playing crossword puzzles, brain teasers, and internet games, such as joker poker where there is a lot of interaction and any voice games that will help you have good memory.
2. Get out more and have a weekly game night with the girls. Interact more with others and smile more.
3. Improve your diet with heart healthy foods and jump on a mini-trampoline to flow the lymph.
4. Reduce your stress and eliminate negative people in your life.
5. Take your vitamins and especially B vitamins for memory.
6. Sleep is imperative. Six to eight hours of sleep is recommended to improve memory.
7. Use the right supplements such as lecithin, Nigella sativa, grape seeds, honey, milk thistle and ALA.
8. Eat some dark chocolate which is known to help memory.
9. Cut the salt to no more than half a teaspoon a day and switch to sea salt.

University study on memory

The University of California (UCLA) in 2005 conducted a group of studies on the effect of memory when combined with memory games and lifestyle changes. They studied small groups of 17 seniors each and had each group eat a healthy diet, exercise, play brain games and reduce stress.

The overall results were astounding and showed an improvement. The studies were only for fourteen days each. The groups were tested prior to beginning and afterwards and it was discovered that there was a 5% decrease in the brain metabolism in the lateral pre frontal region.

This area is directly linked to cognitive functions and memory. The patients reported better memory and more cognitive functions.
