
Time to Boycott Paula Deen and Her Hypocrtical Stand on Sugar

For years Paula Deen has been cooking up some of the fattiest foods on the internet.  Foods laden with sugar, fat and grease.  All this time she has never told anyone she has type 2 diabetes.  Now she has announced that she has diabetes and is sponsoring a pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk.

Has she sold her soul to the devil?  Paula Deen is not poor and has a top rated cooking show, so why is she now being touted as the biggest hypocrite on TV? Fox News reported this heart breaking story as diabetics everywhere are angry and mad.  I like many believe that this unhealthy lifestyle that she is promoting has led her and others to the path of sickness and now she makes things worse by telling millions of her viewers that their only hope is drugs.

Diet and lifestyle changes can drastically improve your changes of survival if you have diabetes.  There are many testimonies about people who used natural methods to rid theirself of this terrible disease.  Let's look at Drew Carey who cured himself of Diabetes by going on a low carb diet and he lost 80 pounds.

Then there was another man who ate cinnamon and yogurt and changed his lifestyle.  I have written many articles on treating diabetes 2 naturally.  I am appalled at this news and I must say ashamed that she has gone this route.  Is money truly the route of all evil?

Sad to say, we don't know the whole story and Deen herself has refused to comment, but this is what Fox News had to say:

“It is hypocritical [for Paula] to have continued to very publicly promote entirely unhealthy food choices so vital to the management of diabetes,” Donna Shaft, a marketing consultant who has been battling type 2 diabetes for 20 years, told Fox411.

“We of course don't know the terms of her contract with the drug company, but it seems either stupid or hypocritical of them to be endorsing the eating lifestyle she advocates. For her to publicly facilitate the illusion that a T2 can consume the quantities of fats and carbs and sugars she showcases, even occasionally, is nothing short of a dangerous abuse of the trust many in her audience place in her as an influential public figure.”