
Organizations that Support Minorities Who Have Breast Cancer

There are many organizations that support minorities, from small yahoo groups to large hospitals. It isn't a matter of finding minority care, it is the fact of finding the best groups,depending on what type of care you have elected to do. Alternative care is a hot topic now and many are switching from normal care to Homeopathic natural treatments.

According to the American Cancer Society, we are searching for a understanding of why cancer develops more often and survival is poor among some US minorities, and we are searching for a way to combat the problem. African Americans are more likely to develop cancer than people of any other racial and ethnic group. African Americans are also about one-third more likely to die of cancer than whites and more than twice as likely to die of cancer as Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Hispanics.

One of the most famous minority women, who successfully beat breast cancer, is Robin Roberts of the Today Show. We watched as she had her hair shaved and we watched as she had courage during her operation and then we watched when she came back a survivor. A happy ending indeed.

Robin Roberts said, "I will not play the Cancer card.' I will not use cancer as an excuse for not achieving the goals I have set for myself."

National Minority Cancer Awareness Week was April 19th to the 25th, and during that week it was announced that more minorities will die of cancer than other groups. With the world in the present condition we must look to the statistics that show us that minorities have an increased rate of cancer than whites or


The reasons more minorities die of cancer are the lack of funds, no insurance, language difficulties and the inability to have access to the latest technology. Even with the Internet available, most do not understand that there are alternatives to conventional high-priced therapies.

There are many organizations that specifically help minorities:

1. Mayo Clinic: It is aggressively tackling the minority problem by using You Tube videos. Check out this video: 

By informing the world, it is becoming one of the top leaders in care.The Mayo Clinic has the most comprehensive course of action of any hospital. It has many referral systems to outside support groups and freely helps with education. There are a numerous grants available and they are actively working with minorities.

Here is a page of some of the success stories: es.html

Telephone request for appointments:
Arizona: 800-446-2279
Florida 904-953-0853
Minnesota 507-538-3270

2.. The American Cancer Society frican_Americans_More_Likely_to_Die_from_Breast_Canc er.asp 

Stories of Hope _Cancer.asp 

If you need immediate information,call 1-800-ACS-2345, available 24 hours a day.
Alternative Medicine

There are many wonderful success stories using a natural course of action from black cumin and garlic mixed with honey to a holistic lifestyle and a healthy diet. There is a huge support at Hundreds of success stories using less money, and no chemotherapy. Here is a success story of one such woman.

Oleander Soup Group

Moderator and owner Tony Isaacs also wrote the book "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is the moderator of the Cancer Support Forum at and the moderator of Ask Tony Isaacs featuring Luella May.

How to make homemade Oleander Soup for cancer cures 

Upon interviewing Luella May about the mission of her group, she tells me that they do help one and all minorities. She says that they have had many success stories involving breast cancer patients and that they have had only two people die from their program. Luella May felt that they died because they did not follow the program correctly and waited too late to start the protocol.

Their mission is to inform everyone they can about the abilities of Oleander Soup. As the flower is poisonous, they show the group how to make the famous Oleander Soup. Luella May also told me that many do not know of all the diseases that they have been able to treat and or help from hepatitis C to pancreatic cancer, one of the most difficult cancers.